Saturday, May 24, 2014

Well, they did say it was Chaos

Good evening once again, readers.  I don't have any crazy late gaming going on today, so it's time once more to see what I've accomplished with my day - which, having gotten nowhere near enough sleep last night, is nowhere near as much as I would have liked.  But, I did take part in a birthday bash at the Games Workshop store, where I took part in a Kitbash/Speed Painting competition - which I ended up winning thanks to the speedpainting technique I told you all about previously.

Now, for what you're all waiting for - the pictures!

We'll start with the progress I've made on the Wolf Lord kitbash that I've put together:

A tired day, I didn't get nearly as much done with him as I would have liked, but there's the first color and the starting of the second.  I'll hopefully have him done by tomorrow, but we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Now for the main bit of the post - the kitbash/speed painting figure.  I would start with the pile of bits I started with, but I didn't think to snap a picture of it.  However, after about 25 minutes of assembling, I ended up with this:

The time came for voting - and this poor fellow didn't fair well.  The two other competitors split the vote 2-1, leaving this faithful lout out in the cold - but he would have his revenge!

The speed painting portion came next.  It was a fast and furious painting session, clocking in at a meager 30 minutes to paint the miniature - a perfect time to put into practice the technique I used on the Infinity model earlier:

As you can see, this got some great results (if a bit sloppy), and was solid enough to take the vote uncontested!  Base/Wash/Highlight - works great when you're fighting an insanely tight deadline!

But his revenge was not yet complete - oh, no.  There was still the grand melee ahead.  The three entries - Adeptus Astartes Gandalf, The Gargoyle, and The Raptor - entered into combat on a 2' by 2' board - with Gandalf and The Gargoyle focusing on each other, allowing The Raptor to grab victory, practically unharmed!

That's all I have for you all today.  Tune in tomorrow to see what I get done - and until then, paint on!

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