Saturday, May 10, 2014

Counting Queue

Good evening once again, my readers.  As promised yesterday, I have been quite busy today, and have quite a bit to show you all today.  From finishing up the competition piece, to a new work in progress, to a new bevy of Bones that I have primed up.

To start with, let's look at the piece that has been the center of attention this whole week: the Warhammer Fantasy Skaven Stormvermin:

Next up, on the other end of the spectrum, is the latest batch of figures that I primed today, all of them members of Reaper's Bones line of miniatures (you didn't think I was priming actual bones, did you?)  Priming Bones is a little different than priming other figures, as the Vinyl material that makes them up reacts poorly to most primers, leaving the figure tacky and unpleasant to hold.  What I've found works - outside of a few variant formulations of the product - is using Krylon Fusion for the base layer rather than Krylon Primer.  After adding on the Grey and White primers, the paint holds just as well, and hey!  No tackiness:

Next up, we get into two figures that I painted using my usual techniques.  The first is Reaper's Bone's Succubus - quickly censored to keep this blog PG-13.  I do this because I want people to read this blog without worrying about surprise nudity or worrying about getting in trouble for it at work.  But, for those who want to see the uncensored version, you can click on this link (warning - nudity, NSFW, and all that jazz) and see the image on my Photobucket account (and it's not like that area is completely PG, given the topless Sphinx and Lamia already residing there...)

Next up is a lovely piece from Stonehaven Miniatures as part of their Gnomes! kickstarter - a lovely little ferret slipping through the grass:

Next up, the one I didn't quite get done today (there is one more finished later on, but I'm going to go in depth on that one, as it illustrates a different technique that I used):  Reaper's Belle: Steampunk Heroine:

And finally, we come to one of the lovely ladies from Infinity (I, unfortunately, cannot remember which one...):

Now, this figure used a very different painting technique than my usual select three shades/build up from darkest to lightest.  Instead, I used a speed painting technique (though I definitely didn't speed paint this figure!), where I blocked out the basic colors, dipped the figure into my wash (1 part Blue ink, 2 parts Black ink, 6 parts water, and a few drops of Jet Dry to help break surface tension), then picked out the highlights with the the base color, and in some cases one shade brighter.  This can allow you to push out a lot of figures very quickly without spending too much time on any individual piece - but the wash can be unpredictable, and you really should pick out the highlights again once it's dry.

You can also see the effect that the screen door screen has for the base - a very distinctive look, and not one that I use very often.

Well, that's it for me today.  Tune in tomorrow for a few more smaller figures, and the start of the first Nethyrmaul the Undying.

You didn't think I only had one of those figures, did you?

Until then, paint on!

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