Sunday, May 18, 2014

Could I get that scaled up, please?

Greetings once again, readers.  I continue to make progress on the dread Nethyrmaul, and I have another pic or two on some of the other projects that I'm prepping.

Let's start off with the off-main stuff, shall we?  Unfortunately, I forgot to grab snapshots of these, but I've assembled the rest of the Thunderwolf Calvary models that I had purchased, and primed them and the main one primed (along with a good selection of other miniatures, mostly from the Freeblades miniatures game).  I've also applied the glaze and glitter to the Hound of Tindalos, but was unable to get a good picture of it.  I'll try again later this week.

But I know what you all want to see.  You want to see some big dragon action, and I'm not one to disappoint:

 "Hi.  I'm ready for my closeup!"

Hm...  Perhaps a bit too close in again (though you can really see the shading on everything in that picture!).  Let's try that again, shall we?

And there you have it.  I'm going to go through and get the touchup work done on everything - hit the places I accidentally covered with paint on later layers, and add paint to areas that I missed on the first pass, then paint up the stone pillar and the earth, apply the basing material, and he'll be done!  Though you'll probably need to suffer through another few WIP posts with him while that happens - that is not a small miniature by any means, and painting him up is taking up a lot of time.  But that's to be expected when I take on a big project like this.

Until next time, folks - paint on!

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