Wednesday, August 13, 2014

An Exploration of the Third Dimension... Narf.

Poit, egad.  OK, enough silliness to balance out the dry start to the title - sorry folks, they can't all be winners.  It's time once more to...  Wait, it's been a while, hasn't it folks?  Well, as I said before, I'm not at my usual work station, and have only been tinkering and playing with the Daz3D modelling software.  It's rather a nice piece of software to work with - if only I could figure out how to get everything loading up all at once and playing nicely with every other bit...  Ah, well, I'm mostly going to use it to set up for 3d models to print and paint come early next year, so I'm not too bothered by the limitations - and there are some rather nice setups that I can get with it, a couple of which I'm going to share with you all today.

We'll start where I started, a little look at a lovely lass waiting in the park:

Not the greatest looking piece, I'll admit - and there's supposed to be a park backdrop there, but I'm having issues figuring out how that's supposed to work, but there you have it.  It's a start - but there's more to see than this!

Next up, we have an attempt at a bit of a night scene.  I was really trying to line up the shadow from the post there with the figure, but no luck there.  Something else I have to learn.

Now this one is one that I'm happy with.  Though a later render came out looking much better, this is the first of the ones that I think looks actually decent - and one that I'm definitely going to come back to play with.  Lots of room to explore there, I think - and I actually figured out how to get a more dynamic camera angle.  Though...  That helmet really makes her look like Megaman, doesn't it?

And the last piece for today - a bit of unrepentant fanservice for the ladies out there.  Basically, just the Michael 4 model with the muscle morphs pumped way up, but a decent pose and a decent angle, with plenty of light showing off his tone.

That's all I have today, folks.  Flying day tomorrow, so I won't have much to show off - but Friday and Saturday should bring something in for you all - and we're coming up on a pretty significant milestone!  Just 23 more posts until I hit 100!

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