Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Alas, a lass

Greetings once more, readers!  Another day, another figure painted up for your enjoyment.  While I'm not as happy with this one as many of my previous ones, she still managed to look rather lovely:

There she is.  A lovely lady, ready to take the field of battle.

And a better view of her cloak - with all the detail that that brings.

And, finally, the little something extra that I promised you all yesterday.  Unfortunately, I can't claim full credit on this one - most of the work was already done on this scene as part of one of the free bundles that I'd gotten from Daz3d - particularly, the Dragon Slayer scene.  A few tweaks here and there, though - adding a light source for the dragon getting ready to breath fire, repositioning the camera to bring more focus on the figure rather than the dragon, and applying a few morphs to the main character in the picture - including a gender swap, muscle up, and a face morph, and it turns it into my own work - well, more or less anyways.

For those of you interested in learning with me as I stumble about in this software, everything I'm using is free for download - Daz3d provides the posing and tweaking software, Singular Inversion provides the face modelling software that I'll be using, called FaceGen, complete with an export function to bring it into Daz3d, and the rest is what I can get in Daz3d.  I will be dropping a bit of money into it soon - if I want to use it to make 3d models to use on a 3d printer, I'll certainly want the options! - but there's a fair bit you can do with it without dropping a dime (particularly in conjunction with FaceGen added in).

So join me and see how long it takes me to go from this:

To what I've posted above.  Probably once a week, so stay tuned and see how things develop.  It's coming on the end of the week, so don't expect to hear much from me until Friday - when we find out what the next competition piece will be.  Until then, folks - paint on!

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