Monday, June 9, 2014

It's not the fall that kills you

Greetings once again, readers.  Another day gone, and it's time once more to see what I've gotten done.  Work continues on the competition piece - with a brief delay due to a short drop, snapping off the flag pole on top.  Upside, that gave me a good opportunity to paint up the flag pole without having to manipulate the model below it.  Down side, well, I had to glue the thing back on when finished - and with that tiny bit of contact area, it did not well want to stay put - which is why the picture is from a different location today:

 I admit, the lighting's not as good here, but it gives you the idea of the figure and the progress I'm making on it - which is quite a lot!  I still need to paint up the clothes on the Skaven, paint up and flock the base, and paint all the wires in red and black - but that's pretty much it!  Hopefully tomorrow will see the figure done - and you'll all get to see the finished result before I go up and turn it in - carefully, so as not to break it again, of course...

So, until tomorrow folks - paint on!

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