Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A bit of Primer, a touch of Layer

Greetings once more, folks.  Time once again to see what I've been up to today.  I don't have a lot to show off in this update - the last progress on the Dragon for a bit, and the first progress on the next Competition piece.

Let's start of with the dragon:

Not near as much progress as I would have liked - but painting scales properly takes up a good chunk of time - but I'm not going to worry about that for now.  For I have a new batch of figures primed:

Including the next competition piece - the Skaven Doomwheel I showed you all yesterday:

If you're wondering why I've painted the crystal bits white, they're going to be small light sources on the vehicle, and I'm going to use a glaze to give them a greenish glow - and to tinge the area around them the same color.  If I pull it off, it should look pretty sweet.  If not...  Well, I've had worse results...

Until next time, folks - paint on!

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