Sunday, April 27, 2014

Projects Update - 04/27/2014

Good evening once again, readers.  I haven't managed to finish anything other than Jack Rider's base today (pictures later, as promised), but I did do a little on a large number of things.
First off, I started getting washes on my Tau forces, along with some of the other miniatures that I've been working on (including that Fire Eagle teased earlier:

Here's some Tau.

And, yes, some more Tau

One of the Heavy Support vehicles from Wild West Exodus

And her's the fire eagle, all washed and waiting for painting!

I've also done a bit of a step by step for the Plains base that I discussed yesterday.

First, apply the white glue over the painted base.  Remember to leave any areas that you want peaking through unglued.

Step two, just dump the static grass mix onto the base.  You can see the mix that I've gone with - perhaps a bit heavy on the talus, but it does create a nice textured effect to the base that really makes the figure stand out.

And this is the final product.  Nice, easy, and very quick to do.

Now, something that I should probably have started out with, but will cover now.  Pictures of applying sand to a base - and what it can do for your figure.  As you can see below, this is very useful, particularly if the figure has parts that attack to the base without being part of the base itself, allowing them to blend together much more easily without hacking the figure apart (particularly if you are working with one of the Reaper pewter miniatures with the so-called integrated Broccoli  base):

Step one: apply the white glue to the base.  Make sure that you minimize the amount of glue that  gets on the figure itself, but don't worry about it too much as you can clean it up after dipping the base in the sand.

Here's what it looks like after applying the sand and cleaning off the edges and miniature.  Pay close attention to the bit under the lower right arm, and notice how the raise blends with the rest of the base now, rather than being as obviously a separate piece.

Now, finally, we have my current WIP.  Meet Karzoug, by Reaper Miniatures.  Great figure, and is really looking good so far (even though it's only about half way done).

And that does it for today.  Tune in tomorrow to see what I've managed to get done, and I'll talk about painting the base different colors for the basing - I think I'll give this one a desert color scheme.

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