Saturday, September 6, 2014

Anybody got a dollar?

I know I promised this for yesterday - but in the frenzy of getting it assembled, I didn't have time to snap pictures before heading to gaming - which is good, because I needed to do some custom work on it to get it looking good and ready to present to you.  For those of you not familiar with the Blue Ridge Crossing's monthly painting competition, this months theme is anything goes - and I am taking that to its illogical extreme:

That green stuff you can see all over the model is, well, Greenstuff, which is used to fill in the cracks and smooth out some surfaces.  Lots of big cracks in this one, so a good chunk of greenstuff got used - but all for the better, I think.

And around to the other side, where you can see some of the balsa wood work that I added to the figure.  When I originally assembled the piece, one of the doors was too far away from the side it should be on, and the platform itself wouldn't fit where it needed to.  The solution - to cut down a couple of pieces of cheap balsa wood, carve out a wood grain in them with some sculpting tools, and glue the result to the side.  It's not the first time I've done something like this - I've done much the same for several of the Malifaux figures I've painted up long ago - but this is the first time I've done it for a terrain piece.

That's all I have for today, folks.  Tune in tomorrow, when I get started on painting this beast - and I've got the artists paints to tackle it.  Lots of drybrushing, and I'm also going to be experimenting with some weathering techniques, and try to get some moss growing on this thing.  It'll be an interesting ride - and you won't want to miss out on it!  So, until next time, folks:

Paint on!

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